Sunday 10 June 2012

DIY Jewellery Organization

A few weeks ago I was looking for a way to organize my costume jewellery. I had previously stored everything in drawers and boxes and it drove me absolutely crazy – I hated having to route through a bunch of boxes and drawers to find a specific piece.

Using a bunch of items I had around the house I created a jewellery display area along a small portion of used wall space in my closet.

The necklaces are hanging from a large key rack that I had originally intended to hang near my front door to hold my car keys.

I strung the bracelets along some extra chandelier chain and secured it to the wall with some leftover hooks from a kitchen organization project.

I used a thin cork tile from an old corkboard covered in lace from an old blouse to create the earring holder.  I secured it to the wall using a scrap piece or ribbon and another hook from my kitchen organization project.

I love the way my little jewellery corner turned out! Having everything so visible and accessible makes accessorizing any outfit a snap!

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